This is part of cyber law tutorial of Streami Virtual School that is posted at the Cyber Law For Kids blog of Streami Virtual School and PTLB Virtual School. See the blog for more details. Also see the YouTube channel of Streami Virtual School named Cyber Law Skills Development By Streami School.
Cyber crimes in India are not new. Despite having cyber law of India in the form of Information Technology Act, 2000, there is little help for Indians who have become victims of various cyber crimes.
Firstly, we have a very weak and ineffective cyber law of India that needed overhaul even in 2008. We at Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB have repeatedly recommended enactment of a better and strong law for more than a decade but successive govts have failed to take any action in this regard.
Secondly, law enforcement agencies of India are not at all prepared to handle cyber crimes. Although we have cyber crimes cells in India, but they are totally useless. We undertook an exercise to check their readiness and capabilities, and no cyber crime cell of India was found even responsive. So cyber crime victims are on their own in India.
There is no mechanism to report cyber crimes in India as any matter that is reported at any govt portal is just a formality. No agency or govt office take any action on such complaints unless you have links and resources to pursue the same.
The cyber crime reporting portal of Indian govt is equally useless as it allows only selective filing of complaints that too without any feedback and action. All projects and initiatives of Indian govt are one way street only.
But online dispute resolution (ODR) portal of Perry4Law Organisation is resolving various cyber contraventions within 3 months of initial complaint. And ODR India Portal covers all areas unlike govt portal that only allows selective complaints.
Students of Streami Virtual School are also taught about the ODR process so that they can act as ODR experts in future and help Indians to resolve their cyber issues.