How To Report A Cyber Crime Or File An Online Cyber Crime Complaint In India

This is part of cyber law tutorial of Streami Virtual School that is posted at the Cyber Law For Kids blog of Streami Virtual School and PTLB Virtual School. See the blog for more details. Also see the YouTube channel of Streami Virtual School named Cyber Law Skills Development By Streami School.

Becoming a cyber crime victim is really frustrating as it brings additional misery of non-remedy of the same in most cases. If we exclude the low hanging fruits concept, most of the cyber crimes, especially the sophisticated ones, are next to impossible to be reported in India.

Indian govt has launched a cyber crimes reporting portal but its utility and impact is very limited. Even for simple cyber crimes, it is next to impossible to get any remedy from it. Not only it allows selective cases of complaints to be filed but even those complaints and cases are not pursued in majority of cases.

Naturally, Indians have very limited options at both judicial and legal side and that is why techno legal methods can help here. For instance, the online dispute resolution (ODR) portal of Perry4Law Organisation is the only techno legal portal of the world that is handling and resolving cyber crimes in 3 months.

So instead of wasting your time on highly bureaucratic process of Indian govt and its portals, simply file your complaint at the ODR portal of Perry4Law Organisation at ODR India Portal ( That way you would get a time bound remedy without the normal frustration that Indians normally face in this regard.

India May Be A Hub For Institutional Arbitration And ODR Soon

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a relatively old concept and is in use for many decades. It has helped in reducing burden of courts by resolving various cases out of court. However, with passage of time, ADR has become another source of litigation and cases originating from ADR have increased tremendously.

For long some Asian countries have dominated the space of ADR and India could not perform well on this front despite a sound judicial system and qualified lawyers and Arbitrators.

There are many reason why India could not excel in ADR field. The chief among them is that there is very little focus upon institutional arbitration in India and a majority of arbitration proceeding in India are managed at individual level.

We are not saying that there are no institutional arbitration centres in India. What we are saying is that these institutions failed to create confidence among global stakeholders that institutional arbitration can be managed in India with qualitative results.

We have a policy and regulatory framework that is promoting, regulating and encouraging institutional arbitration in India. Now the next logical step of India should be to encourage Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in India.

We at ODR India Portal have already given India an advantage in this regard. It is for the Indian govt now to continue the lead and help India become a global hub for ODR. We launched ODR Portal(s) in 2004 and neither Congress nor BJP had the vision to adopt it. Even in October 2022 we do not have a sound ODR Policy of India.

But we have decided to act as successive Indian govts have failed to take suitable actions since 2004. ODR India Portal has now launched the exclusive Techno Legal ODR Portal of the world that would make India a hub for Techno Legal ODR Services. From traditional legal fields to most contemporary fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, space law, cyber law, cyber security, cloud computing, e-gaming, etc, we are resolving disputes from around the globe.

We resolve all disputes online that too within a period of 3 months. Our administrative fees and arbitrators fees are very reasonable. To further Access To Justice (A2J), we waive our arbitrators fees in suitable cases. Our aim is to keep disputes away from courts and to ensure Justice For All. With these developments and facilities, there is nothing that would prevent India from becoming a global hub for institutional arbitration and ODR soon.