Use this form to get TeleLaw Help for concessional legal consultancy services from ODR Portal as part of our Access To Justice (A2J) and Justice For All Goals as per our SDGsPlus Initiative.
All consultancies shall be informal, concise and point wise. Only first 4 points shall be considered for consultancy purposes if there are more than 4 points. Any point that would be needing a detailed or regular consultancy service, shall not be entertained (and intimated to the client) during concessional legal consultancy services even if it falls in 4 points criteria.
Please do not abuse this Access To Justice (A2J) and Justice For All initiative of Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO).
Please consider donating to this initiative so that maximum people can avail its services.
Steps to get concessional/affordable legal consultancy services from TeleLaw/ODR Portal:
(1) Pay TeleLaw Fee (Rs. 2000 fixed) online or pay using NEFT after seeking our bank details,
(2) Attach Proof of Payment as file attachment (Image or Pdf) here,
(3) Attach Govt Identity Proof to prevent abuse of this initiative, and
(4) Get help through e-mail or ODR Portal.
Important Information For Stakeholders:
(a) Mobile communication and video conferencing are not available for concessional legal consultancy services at this time,
(b) Concessional legal consultancy services are available for fields like family law, civil law, property law, criminal law, labour law, company law, MSMEs and startups,
(c) Concessional legal consultancy services are not available for techno legal fields like cyber law, cyber security, privacy and data protection, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cyber forensics, digital evidence, e-discovery, intellectual property rights, etc. For these fields, you have to avail our normal consultancy services,
(d) In case of any doubt, contact us first before depositing any fees, and
(e) All fees payable are non refundable in nature under all circumstances but we may adjust some fees in certain cases towards existing or future consultancies as per our sole discretion. Our decision shall be final and binding in this regard.