Here are some of the questions and answers that stakeholders may find useful:
Q.1 What is ODR?
A.1 ODR stands for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) where various disputes are resolved using information and communication technology (ICT). Disputes are resolved over Internet using a portal like ODR Portal.
Q.2 Are Registration and ODR Services of ODR Portal free?
A.2 Yes, both Registration and ODR Services at ODR Portal are absolutely free as part of the Access To Justice (A2J) and Justice For All Goals of @SDGsPlus Initiative of Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO).
Q.3 Are there any Administrative Costs of using the ODR Portal?
A.3 Yes, Administrative Costs are payable in advance to avail ODR Service of ODR Portal. These costs are based upon the amount involved in the dispute and they are charged to meet the cost of running the ODR Portal. However, both Registration and ODR Services are absolutely free and their are no Arbitrator’s Fees as well.
Q.4 How can we pay the Administrative Fees?
A.4 You can pay the Administrative Fees using the Online Payment option of ODR Portal. You may also use the NEFT option after getting our bank details.
Q.5 How can we register at the ODR Portal?
A.5 You can Register Here for the ODR Portal.
Q.6 How can I lodge/create an ODR Request?
A.6 The procedure to lodge/create an ODR Request has been prescribed here. It is very simple if you are already registered at the ODR Portal.
Q.7 What files and documents are required to be uploaded while creating an ODR Request?
A.7 You need to upload all necessary files and documents in order to create a successful ODR Request. Incomplete ODR Request would not be taken up for final disposal but we would notify the applicant about the deficiencies if Administrative Costs have been successfully paid. In all other cases, the incomplete ODR Request would be deleted immediately.
Q.8 How to get best results from the ODR Portal of P4LO?
A.8 There are some best practices that you must follow to get best results from ODR Portal. You must mention the remedies already availed of by you before contacting us. You must also not spam us or create ODR Requests without payment of Administrative Costs as that could led to your blocking from the ODR Portal.
Q.9 Can I get TeleLaw Help or online legal consultancy from ODR Portal?
A.9 We have created a dedicated TeleLaw Help Form for those wishing to seek our world class online legal consultancies at most affordable costs. There is no need to download any Mobile App or to register at any website to search for world class lawyers as everything is managed from that one singe and simple form.
Q.10 Is there any chat option available at ODR Portal?
A.10 Yes, you can have a live chat with us or leave an offline message at the chat tool if you need any info or guidance. The chat option is available at the right bottom side of all pages of this blog.
Q.11 Is there any video conferencing option available at the ODR Portal?
A.11 Yes, video conferencing option is available to selective ODR cases where there is a need to have face to face conversation and proceedings. However, video conferencing is not available for TeleLaw Help stakeholders as on date.
Q.12 I am part of an organisation, bank or company and I wish to use ODR Portal on regular basis for my organisation, bank or company. How can I do so?
A.12 You can do so very easily by using the ODR Clause of ODR Portal in the terms and conditions of employment at your organisation, bank or company. It must mention that all disputes within the organisation, bank or company shall be resolved using ODR Portal only. The proceedings of ODR Portal shall be in the nature of Arbitration in such cases.
Q.13 I am part of an e-commerce company and I wish to use ODR Portal on regular basis for my e-commerce portal. How can I do so?
A.13 You can do so very easily by using the ODR Clause of ODR Portal in the terms and conditions of your e-commerce portal. It must mention that all disputes arising at the portal shall be resolved using ODR Portal only. The proceedings of ODR Portal shall be in the nature of Arbitration in such cases.
Q.14 Can I use ODR Portal even in the absence of an ODR Clause?
A.14 Yes, you can use the ODR Portal even in the absence of an ODR Clause. Such an ODR Clause can be adopted by the parties to the dispute on the spot even if the ODR Clause is not there in the terms and conditions of any employment, e-commerce portal, etc. The proceedings of ODR Portal shall be in the nature of Arbitration in such cases.
Q.15 Can I use ODR Portal even in the absence of an ODR Clause or/and where the other party has not consented to the ODR Clause?
A.15 Yes, you can still use the ODR Portal as the consent can be given at any time before the proceedings are started by the ODR Portal. If consent by the other party is given, then the proceedings shall take the nature of Arbitration. If the other party does not give consent to the ODR Clause, still the proceedings can continue between both the parties but the proceedings shall become one of Mediation and not Arbitration.
Q.16 Can I use the ODR Portal for Mediation purposes instead of Arbitration?
A.16 We believe in Parties Autonomy and Parties to the dispute are free to choose Arbitration or Mediation proceedings of ODR Portal. If they are comfortable with Mediation, ODR Portal would conduct a Mediation proceeding and deliver its verdict.
Q.17 Can ODR Portal be used for any other purpose besides Arbitration, Mediation and TeleLaw Online Legal Consultancy Services?
A.17 Yes, ODR Portal can be used for many more purposes besides Arbitration, Mediation, Online Legal Consultancy, etc. For instance, ODR Portal can be used to fight back against Cyber Crimes and to conduct Cyber Crime Investigation. Also ODR Portal can be used to get back you money if it has been stolen from your bank account. ODR Portal can be used to resolve your disputes and grievances against Social Media Portals like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. ODR Portal can also be used against Internet Intermediaries like search engines, e-commerce companies, govt departments, international organisations, etc. The list is just illustrative and there are many more unique and significant uses of ODR Portal.
Q.18 What is the time frame within which the proceedings of ODR Portal would be completed?
A.18 Almost all ODR Proceedings at the ODR Portal would be completed within 3 months from the date of initiation of the proceedings at the ODR Portal. The time of 3 months shall be counted and start from the date when a valid notice of initiation of proceedings to both the parties to the dispute is served by the ODR Portal/Arbitrator/Mediator. In exceptional cases only, the ODR Portal/Arbitrator/Mediator can allow extension of the time by one month at a time but in no case the period would extend to more than 6 months in total. Reason to extend the time must be given by the ODR Portal/Arbitrator/Mediator in writing and must be communicated to the parties to the dispute and all concerned stakeholders.
Q.19 I want to be an ODR Expert at the ODR Portal. How can I do so?
A.19 Lawyers and other professionals can become ODR Experts at ODR Portal of ODR India through ODR Empanelment procedure. We provide free training to empaneled ODR Experts regarding ODR and use of ODR Portal if they request for the same.
You can always Contact Us or Chat with us anytime to seek any clarification or to get any assistance from ODR Portal.