ODR Is Finally Getting Acceptance In India Due To Incessant Efforts of Visionary Praveen Dalal

Any good concept and innovation needs support of all stakeholders to become effective and usable. When the political will is missing, many good concepts and tools are ignored and their benefits cannot be availed of by general public. One such concept is Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) that was launched in India by Visionary Praveen Dalal in 2004. it was clearly ahead of its time and was accompanied with other revolutionary concepts like e-courts, TeleLaw, etc. It took more than 17 years for political parties like Congress, BJP, etc, bureaucrats and Indian judiciary to recognise and accept use of ODR in India. That is a sad reality of India but this never discouraged Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and Visionary Praveen Dalal to continue to use and recommend use of ODR in India. Now in the year 2022 we have seen that ODR has been adopted by few stakeholders in India.

It seems the main reason behind avoidance of use of ODR in India is poor technology knowledge and illiteracy among our politicians. If our politicians cannot even respond back to e-mails and are complete failure in e-delivery of services field, expecting them to understand and implement ODR is far fetched. But Startups of P4LO like TeleLaw, PTLB Projects, etc continued to press for use, adoption and implementation of ODR in India despite adverse and hostile conditions in India. These conditions are still adverse and hostile as mere formulation of policy is not enough unless it is actually implemented. Whether we like it or not, Indian govt is still not capable of implementing a full fledged ODR system and it discourages private initiatives and innovations.

A big myth associated with any tech project is that we must use shiny technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc for tech projects. This is absolutely rubbish and false and simple and open source tools can be more effectively used for launch and maintenance of all tech projects. All our projects are based upon simple open source software and tools as they are more secure, decentralised and civil liberties compliant. We tested artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, encryption, cyber security, cyber forensic, cyber crime investigation, e-discovery, cloud computing and many more technologies and we are familiar with their use and implementation. With almost two decades of techno legal experience, we can safely say that use simple, but elegant, open source tools for projects like ODR, e-courts, TeleLaw, etc. This is equally applicable to other technology projects too.

We always walk the talk and that is why our ODR Portal is based upon open source software. It is simple, elegant, secure and very easy to use. It has comprehensive guidance in the form of FAQs and is equipped with chat, video conferencing and other features. Our e-mail is available 24x7x365 and you can leave your message anytime and we always revert back with most appropriate solution or suggestion.

We believe in collective growth and that is why empanelment options are also available for individuals, companies, firms, association of person, etc. We also develop skills of various professionals if they are interested in ODR career. We have also launched the exclusive techno legal social media and professional networking portal of the world for ODR professionals. At ODR Connect the best ODR brains of the world are participating for development and implementation of ODR at global level. There are many more features of ODR Portal that would be disclosed by us in due course of time.

The year 2022 would be a landmark one for ODR worldwide and P4LO and its startups have already given India an advantage in this regard. Any smart government would encash upon this opportunity and work in association with P4LO and ODR India to make India a hub for techno legal ODR services.