In this interview from 2011, Visionary Praveen Dalal suggested that cyber warfare capabilities of India must be developed on priority basis. However, neither Congress nor BJP had the vision to do so and even in September 2022 this has not been done.
Cyber warfare is not a new term anymore. Although, its exact definition and scope is not clear yet none can deny the role of information warfare in the near future. Even India has also appreciated its importance. The best part is that this appreciation is coming from none other that the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh.
Dr. Manmohan Singh has issued clear directions to National Security Council (NSC) of India to work in the direction of establishment of cyber command authority (CCA) for India. Dr. Singh has also asked for putting in place an action plan before such an authority is set up. Dr. Singh has also rightly deferred the plan to set up CCA till a thorough review of the cyber threat is done.
However, India lacks proper expertise and training to undertake such an ambitious project and establish such an authority. We have a single techno legal cyber security research, training and education centre in India (CSRTCI). Further, we also have a single techno legal cyber security training and educational centre in India managed by Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB). Now Centre Of Excellence For Cyber Security Research And Development In India (CECSRDI) is maintaining techno legal cyber security issues of global stakeholders.
According to Praveen Dalal, CEO of Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB and Leading Techno Legal Expert of India, Cyber Warfare Capabilities have assumed tremendous importance these days. The future Cyber Warfare would be even more mysterious, anonymous and dangerous. Further, the Indian Government even need not to spend crores of cash for this purpose if it opts for “Open Source” Software, suggests Praveen Dalal.
So the matter boils down to appropriate cyber security policy and adequate techno legal training. Dr. Manmohan Singh must include as many institutions and individuals as possible so that cyber security of India may become robust and effective.