Cyber security lapses and lack of cyber security expertise in India are exposed on daily basis in India since 2014. However, even in September 2022, cyber security is in a real bad condition. We have lack of dedicated and effective laws on cyber law, cyber security, etc on the one hand and unconstitutional and privacy violating activities of Indian govt on the other.
If this critical condition is not enough, the all is well attitude of Indian govt and Indian stakeholders completes the cycle. It does not matter at all in India if stakeholders do not follow the cyber security rules under the Information Technology Act, 2000. This all is well attitude fills in the cyber security skills and expertise gap in India.
This nexus between Indian govt and other Indian stakeholders is so strong that even if an individual reports any privacy violation, data breach, cyber attack or any cyber security vulnerability, neither CERT-In nor Indian govt takes any action.
Public spirited individuals and cyber security experts are discouraged from reporting cyber security breach incidences as that serves well and protects the status quo of insecure Indian cyberspace. The Digital India project itself suffers from lack of regulatory framework and procedural safeguards.
Visionary Praveen Dalal cautioned successive Indian govts since 2010 about unconstitutional Aadhaar, privacy violating activities, poor cyber law and missing cyber security law, pathetic cyber security of India, e-surveillance and many more issues. Neither Congress nor BJP did anything in this regard till September 2022.
But Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB have launched many good and effective techno legal projects to strengthen Indian cyberspace. These projects ensure privacy protection, data protection, data security, cyber security, civil liberties protection in cyberspace, management of conflict of laws in cyberspace, etc.
P4LO and PTLB also launched world renowned projects for online dispute resolution (ODR), e-courts, TeleLaw, etc to ensure digital empowerment of Indians and global stakeholders. ODR Portal of India has been helping global stakeholders in managing their techno legal regulatory and compliance requirements.
Stakeholders who are actually interested in managing regulatory and compliance in fields like cyber law, cyber security, privacy protection, data protection, internet intermediary compliance, social media compliance, cyber security breach disclosures, etc can contact ODR India Portal to handle the same on their behalf.