Offensive And Defensive Cyber Security Capabilities Of India Must Be Established

Cyber security in India has always remained an ignored world whether it is Congress or BJP govt. Neither Congress nor BJP has the vision to ensure a safe and robust cyber security in India and till October 2022 the position of Indian cyber security is very bad.

In 2012, Visionary Praveen Dalal suggested many far reaching and reformative cyber security measures but both Congress and BJP failed to act upon them. One of the suggestions of Visionary Praveen Dalal in 2012 was that Offensive And Defensive Cyber Security Capabilities Of India must be developed as soon as possible. However, even in October 2022 that has remained a distant dream.

Even Cyber Warfare against India and its defenses have remained an illusive dream and till October 2022 India is a sitting duck in cyber security field. India has focused upon illegal and unconstitutional e-surveillance instead of strengthening of Rule of Law, Privacy, Civil Liberties in Cyberspace and cyber security. As a result, India is facing tremendous cyber attacks and cyber crimes in the year 2022.

In the year 2014, Visionary Praveen Dalal brought to the attention of Modi Govt the challenges of cyber security but it failed to act upon them even in October 2022. Now Indians are bearing the consequences of the same and cyber crimes, cyber frauds and digital payment related crimes have increased significantly in India. This all is well attitude of Indian govt is not good for the national interests of India and that is why we have ensured a robust and effective cyber crimes reporting system in India.

So bad is the situation that even cyber security breach reporting in India has failed to take off since 2014. Except chasing away cryptocurrencies and VPN service providers from India, this norm has not done anything. MSMEs and small companies in India openly declared that they would not comply with such rules and this forced the govt to further extend the deadline. So one can simply refuse to comply with cyber security related norms and Indian govt cannot do anything in this regard.

To develop robust Offensive and Defensive Cyber Security Capabilities of India, we need a 360 degree view of the cyber security landscape of India says Visionary Praveen Dalal. But what we have is lack of political will, unwillingness of stakeholders to ensure cyber security and lack of cyber law and cyber security skills in India. We at Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB have been working on all these aspects and techno legal online skills development from K12 to lifelong learning stages in one of our priority areas.

For instance, Streami Virtual School is the only school of the world that is teaching cyber law and cyber security to school students. Streami Virtual School is the first virtual school of India and first techno legal virtual school of the world. This is the approach that we need for India but political parties like Congress, BJP, AAP, etc are engaging in rhetoric and drama instead of actually working upon reforming education and ensuring skills development of Indians.

Till we have a capable govt and capable and skilled workforce, ensuring offensive and defensive cyber security capabilities of India is not possible. We at P4LO and PTLB have done our part and now those stakeholders who believe in same cause must do their part.

Cyber Security Breach Disclosure Norms Are Still Not Implemented In India Since 2014

Cyber security lapses and lack of cyber security expertise in India are exposed on daily basis in India since 2014. However, even in September 2022, cyber security is in a real bad condition. We have lack of dedicated and effective laws on cyber law, cyber security, etc on the one hand and unconstitutional and privacy violating activities of Indian govt on the other.

If this critical condition is not enough, the all is well attitude of Indian govt and Indian stakeholders completes the cycle. It does not matter at all in India if stakeholders do not follow the cyber security rules under the Information Technology Act, 2000. This all is well attitude fills in the cyber security skills and expertise gap in India.

This nexus between Indian govt and other Indian stakeholders is so strong that even if an individual reports any privacy violation, data breach, cyber attack or any cyber security vulnerability, neither CERT-In nor Indian govt takes any action.

Public spirited individuals and cyber security experts are discouraged from reporting cyber security breach incidences as that serves well and protects the status quo of insecure Indian cyberspace. The Digital India project itself suffers from lack of regulatory framework and procedural safeguards.

Visionary Praveen Dalal cautioned successive Indian govts since 2010 about unconstitutional Aadhaar, privacy violating activities, poor cyber law and missing cyber security law, pathetic cyber security of India, e-surveillance and many more issues. Neither Congress nor BJP did anything in this regard till September 2022.

But Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB have launched many good and effective techno legal projects to strengthen Indian cyberspace. These projects ensure privacy protection, data protection, data security, cyber security, civil liberties protection in cyberspace, management of conflict of laws in cyberspace, etc.

P4LO and PTLB also launched world renowned projects for online dispute resolution (ODR), e-courts, TeleLaw, etc to ensure digital empowerment of Indians and global stakeholders. ODR Portal of India has been helping global stakeholders in managing their techno legal regulatory and compliance requirements.

Stakeholders who are actually interested in managing regulatory and compliance in fields like cyber law, cyber security, privacy protection, data protection, internet intermediary compliance, social media compliance, cyber security breach disclosures, etc can contact ODR India Portal to handle the same on their behalf.

All Is Well Attitude Towards Cyber Security Of India Would Be Fatal Warns Visionary Praveen Dalal

India is a sitting duck in cyber security field and there is no doubt about that. Whether it is Congress or BJP, no political party paid the required attention to cyber security of India. Even when any govt tried to do so, industry and businesses have successfully pushed back a proactive cyber security system in India.

For instance, MSMEs of India are still not ready to comply with CERT-In’s cybersecurity rules. The India SME Forum wrote a letter to the govt seeking the 25-09-2022 deadline extension. Even if Modi govt does not allow such an extension, there would not be any material difference in this regard as hardly anybody reports cyber security breaches in India in any case.

From banks to directors of Indian companies, nobody takes cyber security breach reporting seriously. Telecom companies are worst affected as they actively harbour cyber criminals and cyber fraudsters who are exploiting their infrastructure without any fear and legal liabilities.

Authorities like Delhi Police are themselves useless as they lack technical capabilities and expertise to handle technology related crimes. Govt portals are just show pieces with no actual utility. You can report something there but no actual action is ever taken by such portals and authorities handling them. RBI Ombudsman is dead and there is no accountability of Indian banks to ensure robust cyber security for banking systems.

Similarly, Indian banks cannot even keep their servers up and running and expecting them to have secure systems is naive. RBI has done just lip service in this regard and online banking and digital payments are insecure in India. Bank customers are without any remedy except the one provided by Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Portal of Visionary Praveen Dalal. ODR Portal of India is the only portal that is providing techno legal assistance to global stakeholders.

This all is well attitude for cyber security of India has persisted for almost two decades and no political party has the wisdom to bring the required and necessary changes. We have already lost a great deal of money in India to cyber criminals but the real damage is not even reported in media.

Monetary loss is just one aspect and other more dangerous and complicated aspects would be faced by India very soon. This all is well attitude would prove fatal to India in near future warns Visionary Praveen Dalal.

But if you are a serious player and you love India and its interest, contact ODR India Portal for your complete techno legal regulatory and compliance requirements in India and other jurisdictions. We would manage your cyber security, cyber law, digital evidencing, cyber forensic and many more techno legal regulatory and compliance needs.

Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB are managing the exclusive techno legal Centre of Excellence for Digital India Laws and Regulations in India (CEDILRI) since 2016. It is helping ODR India Portal to manage global techno legal regulatory and legal compliance of global stakeholders. Stay on the right side of law and contact ODR India Portal today for your techno legal regulatory and compliance needs.

Online Dispute Resolution For Digital Payment Frauds And Unauthorised Money Retention In India

With the increase in use of digital payments, cyber crimes and cyber frauds have increased tremendously in India. There are only few options available to Indians to report such cyber crimes and cyber frauds. Even lesser are the options to avail of appropriate remedies and get back the stolen money.

While it is good that India is pushing for digital payments yet lack of strong and stringent cyber law and cyber security laws would make this exercise counter productive. Digital payment system of India must be trustworthy, transparent, fair and customer friendly. There must be a well established dispute resolution mechanism in place so that customer disputes can be resolved effectively and efficiently.

India has currently adopted a model where banks and digital payment service providers have to establish an internal grievance redressal mechanism. Anybody who has dealt with such a system is aware that it is nothing more than a formality and customers rarely get any remedy or solution out of that redundant and obsolete model. Even Ombudsman system of RBI has become dysfunctional and is of little help except exerting moral pressure upon guilty banks and financial institutions.

The ODR India Portal of Visionary Praveen Dalal launched a nation wide test to check if RBI and cyber cells in India can handle cyber crimes, cyber frauds and banking frauds. Both RBI and cyber cells failed miserably and ODR Portal of India seems to be the only hope.

Equally bad is the cyber security preparedness of banks, telecom companies and Indian govt. Passing buck to each other and putting all blame upon the victim is the official strategy of Indian govt, banks, RBI, etc. That is why ODR India Portal is helping Indian customers to get their money back as soon as possible.

In order to get best results, bank customers must be vigilant and cyber aware. They must report all cyber crimes and cyber frauds to the banks and financial institutions as soon as possible. If the reporting is done within few hours of the occurrence, chances of recovery of full money are very bright. The more they delay in reporting, the lesser are the chances of getting back full money and only partial amount can be recovered.

This is where the ODR Portal of India becomes very important. Once a customer has informed his/her bank or financial institution, he/she can safely approach ODR India Portal. We would guide him/her about the entire procedure and would stay connected with him/her till the end. Twitter is also used to communicate and interact between various stakeholders involved in the case.

If a customer needs our help to approach the bank or financial institution for reporting purposes, we can help in that situation too. Cyber crime or cyber fraud victims can contact us in any of the mode, i.e. e-mail, chat, Twitter, etc.

Once the contact with concerned bank or financial institution is established and the cyber crime or cyber fraud has been duly reported, the customer can file an ODR Request at ODR India Portal. Include all details and information along with your ODR Request and we would contact back for additional documents and information, if any. Do not forget to add crucial details like mobile number, e-mail id, address, ID proof, communication with the bank and other Indian authorities, etc. That would result in faster processing of your request and better results.

After the ODR Request is filed, we would include all stakeholders in the request .i.e. customer, bank, ODR India Portal, Indian authorities, RBI, etc. Stakeholders would be added as per need basis and some would be added initially while others may be added as we proceed to recover back your money.

A stakeholder can file ODR Request for multiple purposes. It may be an online banking fraud or ATM fraud or credit/debit card cloning/fraud or any other fraud or crime. It can include digital payments frauds of any type or even when the money was initially obtained legally and at the instance of the stakeholder but its subsequent refund is not facilitated in a timely manner.

For instance, if you have purchased something from an e-commerce website and the promised product is not up to the mark, you may insist for a refund. If the e-commerce company fails to refund back the amount as per Indian laws, you can file an ODR Request at the ODR Portal of India to get back your money. We would ensure your money is paid back as soon as possible.

Similarly, there may be a case where the transaction is declined but your money is debited. If it is not refunded back in time, you can use the ODR Portal of India to get it back urgently.

There may be cases where banks or financial institutions may have deduced money from your account on some pretext and without your consent. You can use the ODR India Portal to get back that money.

There may be cases where the goods or services are not as promised and you may wish to get back the money for which defective good or services were provided. You can use the ODR India Portal to get back that money or to obtain qualitative and agreed upon goods or services.

These are just few examples and there may be many more situations where digital payment frauds and illegal money retention could be involved. Just use the ODR India Portal and we would make it sure that you would get justice and your money back.

We resolve all disputes online within a maximum period of 3 month. In most cases, they are resolved within a week time and 3 month is the outer limit that is seldom required. Our costs are also very reasonable and are directly proportional to the amount involved. This would not create any monetary pressure upon the user of our portal.

Both registration at the ODR India Portal and its services are absolutely free as part of our Access To Justice (A2J) and Justice For All initiatives. We only charge nominal Administrative Cost so that the wonderful services of ODR India Portal can continue to exist for global stakeholders.

Do not remain a moot spectator to the illegalities and unreasonableness of any person or institution and fight for your rights with the help of ODR India Portal.