Resolve Without Litigation Your Disputes From Any Part Of The World

Disputes are not desirable but yet they do happen in every walk of the life. We have many options to resolve these disputes and approaching a court is the last option. But for many people this is the first option and this is a wrong strategy on their part. By approaching the courts at the first place we are over burdening them unnecessarily when these disputes can be resolved outside the court. The over burdened courts  would have no choice but to give lengthy dates as there is no way a handful of judges in Indian courts can handle such impossible target.

This mindset is not a problem of ordinary people but our state governments and central government too. A big chunk of litigation in courts is from government departments. State governments and central govt are notorious for not only denying remedies to citizens at the first place but they also keep on appealing against adverse orders against them to higher courts. So not only original cases but also appeals from the adverse orders against state governments and central government are increasing burden upon Indian courts.

We at Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) have been working in the fields like online dispute resolution (ODR) and e-courts since 2004. We have launched few techno legal fields in both ODR and e-courts fields. We understand the significance of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) very well. We also understand how technology can be used to strengthen ADR in India by converting traditional ADR into ODR.

ODR India Portal of Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB is the exclusive techno legal ODR Portal of the world. All the global stakeholders need to do is to use our ODR clause in their agreements. If both the parties agree, they can also use our ODR portal without any agreement if they agree to our ODR clause at any stage of the dispute. The process is simple and very effective.

Some of the unique features of our ODR portal are:

(1) Our ODR services are available throughout the world and even if parties to the dispute reside in different countries.

(2) It is not mandatory that the dispute must be an Indian dispute but any dispute in any part of the world can be resolved using our portal if the same can be resolved using mediation, conciliation, arbitration or ODR as per the laws of respective countries.

(3) Our ODR services can be used at any stage of the dispute even if there is no pre existing ODR clause. Such an ODR agreement can be formed by simply accepting our ODR clause by parties to the dispute.

(4) Parties to the dispute need not to move even out of their homes to avail our ODR services. So traveling expenses and traveling time is totally saved.

(5) All required documents can be shared with us through the online portal, secure e-mail, secured chats, etc. No cost for sending documents through post would be incurred.

(6) We are the only techno legal Institutionalised Arbitration Centre that is dealing in ODR world wide.

If any company or government department wishes to have training about how to best use our ODR services, we can also ensure the same.

If Indian government is serious about better access to justice and ensuring justice for all, we are more than happy to have a collaboration with it. We are also open to collaborations with foreign governments and international organisations if they have similar projects or wish to expand their existing dispute resolution capacities.

We may update this article with more information and details for the larger benefit of all. Please visit regularly this blog in general and our ODR portals in particular for latest developments of our projects.