Offensive And Defensive Cyber Security Capabilities Of India Must Be Established

Cyber security in India has always remained an ignored world whether it is Congress or BJP govt. Neither Congress nor BJP has the vision to ensure a safe and robust cyber security in India and till October 2022 the position of Indian cyber security is very bad.

In 2012, Visionary Praveen Dalal suggested many far reaching and reformative cyber security measures but both Congress and BJP failed to act upon them. One of the suggestions of Visionary Praveen Dalal in 2012 was that Offensive And Defensive Cyber Security Capabilities Of India must be developed as soon as possible. However, even in October 2022 that has remained a distant dream.

Even Cyber Warfare against India and its defenses have remained an illusive dream and till October 2022 India is a sitting duck in cyber security field. India has focused upon illegal and unconstitutional e-surveillance instead of strengthening of Rule of Law, Privacy, Civil Liberties in Cyberspace and cyber security. As a result, India is facing tremendous cyber attacks and cyber crimes in the year 2022.

In the year 2014, Visionary Praveen Dalal brought to the attention of Modi Govt the challenges of cyber security but it failed to act upon them even in October 2022. Now Indians are bearing the consequences of the same and cyber crimes, cyber frauds and digital payment related crimes have increased significantly in India. This all is well attitude of Indian govt is not good for the national interests of India and that is why we have ensured a robust and effective cyber crimes reporting system in India.

So bad is the situation that even cyber security breach reporting in India has failed to take off since 2014. Except chasing away cryptocurrencies and VPN service providers from India, this norm has not done anything. MSMEs and small companies in India openly declared that they would not comply with such rules and this forced the govt to further extend the deadline. So one can simply refuse to comply with cyber security related norms and Indian govt cannot do anything in this regard.

To develop robust Offensive and Defensive Cyber Security Capabilities of India, we need a 360 degree view of the cyber security landscape of India says Visionary Praveen Dalal. But what we have is lack of political will, unwillingness of stakeholders to ensure cyber security and lack of cyber law and cyber security skills in India. We at Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB have been working on all these aspects and techno legal online skills development from K12 to lifelong learning stages in one of our priority areas.

For instance, Streami Virtual School is the only school of the world that is teaching cyber law and cyber security to school students. Streami Virtual School is the first virtual school of India and first techno legal virtual school of the world. This is the approach that we need for India but political parties like Congress, BJP, AAP, etc are engaging in rhetoric and drama instead of actually working upon reforming education and ensuring skills development of Indians.

Till we have a capable govt and capable and skilled workforce, ensuring offensive and defensive cyber security capabilities of India is not possible. We at P4LO and PTLB have done our part and now those stakeholders who believe in same cause must do their part.

Cyber Crimes In India Have Increased Significantly But Indian Authorities Are Ill Prepared To Deal With It

This is part of cyber law tutorial of Streami Virtual School that is posted at the Cyber Law For Kids blog of Streami Virtual School and PTLB Virtual School. See the blog for more details. Also see the YouTube channel of Streami Virtual School named Cyber Law Skills Development By Streami School.

Cyber crimes in India are not new. Despite having cyber law of India in the form of Information Technology Act, 2000, there is little help for Indians who have become victims of various cyber crimes.

Firstly, we have a very weak and ineffective cyber law of India that needed overhaul even in 2008. We at Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB have repeatedly recommended enactment of a better and strong law for more than a decade but successive govts have failed to take any action in this regard.

Secondly, law enforcement agencies of India are not at all prepared to handle cyber crimes. Although we have cyber crimes cells in India, but they are totally useless. We undertook an exercise to check their readiness and capabilities, and no cyber crime cell of India was found even responsive. So cyber crime victims are on their own in India.

There is no mechanism to report cyber crimes in India as any matter that is reported at any govt portal is just a formality. No agency or govt office take any action on such complaints unless you have links and resources to pursue the same.

The cyber crime reporting portal of Indian govt is equally useless as it allows only selective filing of complaints that too without any feedback and action. All projects and initiatives of Indian govt are one way street only.

But online dispute resolution (ODR) portal of Perry4Law Organisation is resolving various cyber contraventions within 3 months of initial complaint. And ODR India Portal covers all areas unlike govt portal that only allows selective complaints.

Students of Streami Virtual School are also taught about the ODR process so that they can act as ODR experts in future and help Indians to resolve their cyber issues.

Streami Virtual School Is The Exclusive School Of The World That Is Teaching Cyber Law To School Students

Streami Virtual School is not only the first virtual school of India but it is also the first virtual school of the world that is teaching cyber law to school students. Streami is developing techno legal skills of school students and cyber law is one of the subjects that is taught there.

The first cyber law course for school students was created by Streami Virtual School in the year 2019 and since then we are continuously updating and upgrading the same. We are in the process of upgrading and rejuvenating the websites of PTLB Virtual School and Streami Virtual School and they would be launched at appropriate time.

Keeping in mind the age and orientation for school students, we have kept our skills development course of cyber law easy to understand and implement. We are teaching school kids how to fight back online criminals and predators and how to report them to appropriate authorities for necessary action.

We are also teaching them how to manage online harassment and cyber bullying at school and other places. These acts result in serious repercussions upon the mental and physical health of children and we are helping them to handle the same in a healthy and legal manner.

We have seen positive results among children who have undergone this cyber law skills development course and they have become more mature and are now capable of better handling the dangers of online presence. We hope to do the same for other children too and very soon we would be doing so at global level.

Welcome To The First Virtual School Of India And First Techno Legal Virtual School Of The World

Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) is the first and premier techno legal institution and entity of the world. It was established in the year 2002 by visionary Praveen Dalal and since then it has achieved many global milestones. As it was two decades ahead of its time, we found it very difficult to implement its objectives, goals and ideals. All govts in India have failed to realise its importance and significance since 2002 and even in 2022 techno legal projects and offerings of P4LO are like conveying Star Trek ideas to cavemen. It has been almost 2 years and both Central Govt (BJP) and Delhi Govt (AAP) are sitting upon the recognition request of Streami School. We took a break in the hope that we may have some educated and understanding politician in India, but none has surprised us so far.

Perry4Lawś Techno Legal Base (PTLB) was also established in the year 2002 to implement the techno legal projects of P4LO. It has been instrumental in managing techno legal fields of P4LO like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, e-discovery, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, online education and virtual schools, etc. Streami Virtual School is one of the online schools of PTLB.

PTLB has been managing virtual campuses in India since 2007 from school level to lifelong learning stages. PTLB is also active as a digital university or virtual university for long but the time has not come for the actual use of digital universities in India till now. Even a Virtual Law Campus has been established by PTLB in the past and it is still active.

Streami Virtual School is supported by two decades of techno legal experience and expertise of P4LO and PTLB. Despite indifferent and ignorant behaviour of BJP and AAP govts, Streami School continued to innovate on various aspects of Virtual School and empowering education. Unlike govtś gimmicks and empty promises, Streami School is a strong contender for global virtual school framework. After a series of discussion and deliberations, it was decided at PTLB to launch a blog to ensure continuity, reliability, cyber security and additional measure to spread awareness about Streami School. This blog is achieving that goal and we hope both national and international education community would find it useful and take full advantage of this revolutionary global education reforms of P4LO and PTLB.

Another blog is launched for Streami Virtual School where techno legal aspects and online skills development in fields like cyber law, cyber security, artificial intelligence, machine learning, space law, etc is discussed and taught.

A dedicated blog of Cyber Law For Kids has also been launched by Streami Virtual School as Streami is the first school of the world to teach and develop skills of children in cyber law field globally.

We have many YouTube channels for Streami Virtual School for different topics and fields. For instance, Cyber Law Skills Development By Streami School is a dedicated YouTube channel of Streami Virtual School to develop cyber law skills among global K12 stakeholders.

We are accepting investment offers from very selective global investors who are willing to invest in P4LO or its startups on an unconditional, pre-approved and non stake basis. Do a thorough research and due diligence about our startups before contacting us as we would be expecting an in-principle investment approval along with your initial contact/e-mail. We have zero tolerance policy for spam or casual communications so unless you are our type of investor, it would be a bad idea to contact us to explore investment options. Be sure about your investment decision in advance and things would be pretty simple and smooth from our side.

Similarly, global collaborators having similar mindset, policies, goals and objectives can contact us for collaborations. While contacting us, clearly mention how you wish to collaborate with us. Asking us to tell you how to collaborate is naive and considered a spam communication from your side, so avoid that stupidity.

Let us together revolutionise global education from K12 to lifelong learning stages. We welcome all investors, collaborators, partners, associates, etc of Streami School in advance. See you on the board and at a wonderful journey.