India May Be A Hub For Institutional Arbitration And ODR Soon

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a relatively old concept and is in use for many decades. It has helped in reducing burden of courts by resolving various cases out of court. However, with passage of time, ADR has become another source of litigation and cases originating from ADR have increased tremendously.

For long some Asian countries have dominated the space of ADR and India could not perform well on this front despite a sound judicial system and qualified lawyers and Arbitrators.

There are many reason why India could not excel in ADR field. The chief among them is that there is very little focus upon institutional arbitration in India and a majority of arbitration proceeding in India are managed at individual level.

We are not saying that there are no institutional arbitration centres in India. What we are saying is that these institutions failed to create confidence among global stakeholders that institutional arbitration can be managed in India with qualitative results.

We have a policy and regulatory framework that is promoting, regulating and encouraging institutional arbitration in India. Now the next logical step of India should be to encourage Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in India.

We at ODR India Portal have already given India an advantage in this regard. It is for the Indian govt now to continue the lead and help India become a global hub for ODR. We launched ODR Portal(s) in 2004 and neither Congress nor BJP had the vision to adopt it. Even in October 2022 we do not have a sound ODR Policy of India.

But we have decided to act as successive Indian govts have failed to take suitable actions since 2004. ODR India Portal has now launched the exclusive Techno Legal ODR Portal of the world that would make India a hub for Techno Legal ODR Services. From traditional legal fields to most contemporary fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, space law, cyber law, cyber security, cloud computing, e-gaming, etc, we are resolving disputes from around the globe.

We resolve all disputes online that too within a period of 3 months. Our administrative fees and arbitrators fees are very reasonable. To further Access To Justice (A2J), we waive our arbitrators fees in suitable cases. Our aim is to keep disputes away from courts and to ensure Justice For All. With these developments and facilities, there is nothing that would prevent India from becoming a global hub for institutional arbitration and ODR soon.

Online Dispute Resolution For Digital Payment Frauds And Unauthorised Money Retention In India

With the increase in use of digital payments, cyber crimes and cyber frauds have increased tremendously in India. There are only few options available to Indians to report such cyber crimes and cyber frauds. Even lesser are the options to avail of appropriate remedies and get back the stolen money.

While it is good that India is pushing for digital payments yet lack of strong and stringent cyber law and cyber security laws would make this exercise counter productive. Digital payment system of India must be trustworthy, transparent, fair and customer friendly. There must be a well established dispute resolution mechanism in place so that customer disputes can be resolved effectively and efficiently.

India has currently adopted a model where banks and digital payment service providers have to establish an internal grievance redressal mechanism. Anybody who has dealt with such a system is aware that it is nothing more than a formality and customers rarely get any remedy or solution out of that redundant and obsolete model. Even Ombudsman system of RBI has become dysfunctional and is of little help except exerting moral pressure upon guilty banks and financial institutions.

The ODR India Portal of Visionary Praveen Dalal launched a nation wide test to check if RBI and cyber cells in India can handle cyber crimes, cyber frauds and banking frauds. Both RBI and cyber cells failed miserably and ODR Portal of India seems to be the only hope.

Equally bad is the cyber security preparedness of banks, telecom companies and Indian govt. Passing buck to each other and putting all blame upon the victim is the official strategy of Indian govt, banks, RBI, etc. That is why ODR India Portal is helping Indian customers to get their money back as soon as possible.

In order to get best results, bank customers must be vigilant and cyber aware. They must report all cyber crimes and cyber frauds to the banks and financial institutions as soon as possible. If the reporting is done within few hours of the occurrence, chances of recovery of full money are very bright. The more they delay in reporting, the lesser are the chances of getting back full money and only partial amount can be recovered.

This is where the ODR Portal of India becomes very important. Once a customer has informed his/her bank or financial institution, he/she can safely approach ODR India Portal. We would guide him/her about the entire procedure and would stay connected with him/her till the end. Twitter is also used to communicate and interact between various stakeholders involved in the case.

If a customer needs our help to approach the bank or financial institution for reporting purposes, we can help in that situation too. Cyber crime or cyber fraud victims can contact us in any of the mode, i.e. e-mail, chat, Twitter, etc.

Once the contact with concerned bank or financial institution is established and the cyber crime or cyber fraud has been duly reported, the customer can file an ODR Request at ODR India Portal. Include all details and information along with your ODR Request and we would contact back for additional documents and information, if any. Do not forget to add crucial details like mobile number, e-mail id, address, ID proof, communication with the bank and other Indian authorities, etc. That would result in faster processing of your request and better results.

After the ODR Request is filed, we would include all stakeholders in the request .i.e. customer, bank, ODR India Portal, Indian authorities, RBI, etc. Stakeholders would be added as per need basis and some would be added initially while others may be added as we proceed to recover back your money.

A stakeholder can file ODR Request for multiple purposes. It may be an online banking fraud or ATM fraud or credit/debit card cloning/fraud or any other fraud or crime. It can include digital payments frauds of any type or even when the money was initially obtained legally and at the instance of the stakeholder but its subsequent refund is not facilitated in a timely manner.

For instance, if you have purchased something from an e-commerce website and the promised product is not up to the mark, you may insist for a refund. If the e-commerce company fails to refund back the amount as per Indian laws, you can file an ODR Request at the ODR Portal of India to get back your money. We would ensure your money is paid back as soon as possible.

Similarly, there may be a case where the transaction is declined but your money is debited. If it is not refunded back in time, you can use the ODR Portal of India to get it back urgently.

There may be cases where banks or financial institutions may have deduced money from your account on some pretext and without your consent. You can use the ODR India Portal to get back that money.

There may be cases where the goods or services are not as promised and you may wish to get back the money for which defective good or services were provided. You can use the ODR India Portal to get back that money or to obtain qualitative and agreed upon goods or services.

These are just few examples and there may be many more situations where digital payment frauds and illegal money retention could be involved. Just use the ODR India Portal and we would make it sure that you would get justice and your money back.

We resolve all disputes online within a maximum period of 3 month. In most cases, they are resolved within a week time and 3 month is the outer limit that is seldom required. Our costs are also very reasonable and are directly proportional to the amount involved. This would not create any monetary pressure upon the user of our portal.

Both registration at the ODR India Portal and its services are absolutely free as part of our Access To Justice (A2J) and Justice For All initiatives. We only charge nominal Administrative Cost so that the wonderful services of ODR India Portal can continue to exist for global stakeholders.

Do not remain a moot spectator to the illegalities and unreasonableness of any person or institution and fight for your rights with the help of ODR India Portal.

ODR Is The Future Of Global Dispute Resolution Says Visionary Praveen Dalal

Dispute resolution is a complicated, costly and time consuming process and it is not suitable for all disputes. Nevertheless, litigants have little choice regarding the same as alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods like arbitration have proved equally time consuming and unproductive in India.

Technology can play a big role in ensuring access to justice and justice for all but there is a lack of political will to use the same. For instance, Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) introduced online dispute resolution (ODR) in India in 2004 but Indian govt failed to adopt the model even in September 2022. Clearly, law and political will is always behind technological revolution.

We at P4LO and PTLB are working hard to make India a global ODR hub as ODR is the future of global dispute resolution says Visionary Praveen Dalal. ODR Portal of India is now world renowned in ODR and dispute resolution field and it is providing the most extensive techno legal ODR services in the world.

Filing a dispute resolution request at ODR Portal of P4LO and PTLB only takes 2 minutes and it is as simple as filing an online form. We have adopted a super simple and easy to use model so that end users do not find it difficult to use. On top of that, we provide 24×7 customer support using multiple and diverse methods.

National and international stakeholders must adopt a proactive approach towards ODR as it offers tremendous advantages and benefits. It seems they are waiting for something to happen before they would adopt ODR for their internal and external disputes resolution.

ODR Portal of India has been designed in such a manner that it can be used by almost all stakeholders. For instance, social media companies and Internet intermediaries can use the ODR Portal of P4LO and PTLB for handling and managing grievances, disputes and complaints in India and world wide. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when we have already put in place an entire vehicle for dispute resolution. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc can easily manage their Internet intermediary due diligence and other legal requirements in India by simply using the ODR Portal of P4LO and PTLB.

We have almost two decades of techno legal experience in ODR field that no other ODR portal or institution of the world possess. That is why we are comfortably resolving grievances/disputes in fields like cyber law, cyber security, cloud computing, privacy violation, data breaches and data protection, artificial intelligence, machine learning, e-games, intellectual property rights violations, etc. It would be a good idea to incorporate the ODR model of P4LO and PTLB in your day to day business functioning.

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) In India

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) was started in India in the year 2004 by Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and it has been rejuvenated and improved from time to time since then.

Just like other techno legal projects and initiatives of P4LO, ODR also proved another initiative that was two decades ahead of its time. Even in 2022, Indian govt has not been able to effectively use ODR for various purposes.

But ODR Portal of India is still there in 2022 to handle disputes of global stakeholders. It is the most extensive ODR Portal of the world as it covers both traditional and contemporary legal fields for dispute resolution.

From simple family matters to complicated techno legal issues of cyberspace, ODR Portal of India handles all sorts of disputes globally. We would cover each branch of dispute resolution separately but for the time being it is sufficient to say that ODR India Portal is the best possible alternative for traditional courts around the world.

For instance, ODR India is the only portal of the world that can be used by social media websites and their users alike. The social media websites can use the ODR India Portal for resolving disputes and grievances of their users whereas the users can use the ODR India Portal for lodging grievances and disputes and getting them resolved within 3 months.

It is a win-win situation for both social media companies and their users and our two decades of techno legal expertise would ensure justice for all.

It is a common misbelief that ODR needs shiny and sophisticated technologies to operate. This is not true and we at P4LO and ODR India Portal have proved this wrong many times. Even a simple e-mail exchange can be used to resolve disputes online.

We always use open source and simple technologies so that end users can use it with comfort. Filing an ODR dispute at the ODR India Portal hardly takes two minutes and it is as simple as filing an online form. We also provide 24×7 support to our users so that any issue can be resolved as soon as possible.

Think about a global portal that can be used by global stakeholders for almost all sorts of disputes and that are resolved within 3 months of institution of the complaint/grievance/dispute. This is the gift of P4LO to the whole world.

Use Of ODR For E-Commerce Dispute Resolution In India

India is fast becoming a good market for e-commerce and online business. However, India is also facing many techno legal challenges that need to be resolved on priority basis. For instance, consumer protection in India is very poor and e-commerce portals are a big ground for consumer disputes in India.

Dispute resolution at e-commerce portals, whether govt or private, is not at all satisfactory. These portals are manned by inexperienced and inefficient people and as a result consumer disputes are rarely resolved to the satisfaction of the consumers and customers in India.

Customer support and grievance redressal officials of these e-commerce portals are not even in a position to understand the problems of Indian consumers and customers and their actual redressal is a big challenge. Defective and fake products, poor delivery infrastructure, bad refund policies, untimely payment of the refund amounts or wrongfully charged money, etc are some of the common problems in India.

E-commerce portals in India are also internet intermediaries as per the provisions of Information Technology Act, 2000 that is the cyber law of India. As internet intermediaries, e-commerce portals are required to appoint grievance redressal and nodal officers in India to handle consumer and customer complaints and grievances. Anybody who has dealt with these appointed individuals can tell you that these appointments are just formality to satisfy the mandates of IT Act, 2000 and its Rules so that these portals are not punished.

So far the e-commerce portals, internet intermediaries and social media portals have taken both Indian laws and Indian govt very lightly. A consumer who has faced any hardship does not get any relief either at the portal or at the govt offices. Such a consumer or customer is at the mercy of traditional justice delivery systems that are time consuming, costly and ineffective.

But ODR India Portal of Visionary Praveen Dalal has digitally empowered Indian consumers and customers in a manner that no other person, institution or even Indian govt can match. Both e-commerce portals and their customers can use the portal to resolve their grievances, disputes and complaints. We resolve all disputes, complaints and grievances within a maximum period of 3 month and at very affordable cost.

The entire dispute resolution process is online and it hardly takes 2 minute to lodge a grievance, dispute or complaint at the ODR India Portal. We manage all documentation and formalities after the initial filing and we guide the parties to the dispute at every stage. We resolve all disputes as soon as possible and within a maximum period of 3 month. In exceptional cases and to meet the end of justice, we extend that period for another 2 month after recording the reason to do so in writing.

E-commerce stakeholders can use the ODR India Portal in multiple ways. Firstly, our partner e-commerce portals can directly and effectively use the ODR India Portal by simply making the ODR Portal a primary dispute resolution mechanism. ODR India Portal can also supplement the existing dispute resolution mechanism of our partner e-commerce portals and can act as an impartial appellate authority for its decisions. This would ensure justice and fairness for all e-commerce stakeholders in India.

Secondly, e-commerce stakeholders can use the ODR Clause of ODR India Portal any time and this would trigger the dispute resolution process of ODR India Portal. They can use multiple methods to activate that ODR Clause and we have provided many options to the e-commerce stakeholders to do so.

Thirdly, Consumer Protection in India has been super charged by ODR India Portal by ensuring their digital empowerment. Even if the e-commerce portal is not willing to be judged by the best techno legal professionals and experts of ODR India Portal, this does not forbid us from initiating the process. All that is needed is filing of a grievance, complaint or dispute by the aggrieved consumer or customer and ODR India Portal would start the process and coordinate with the e-commerce portal. This would resolve the issues in almost all cases.

Fourthly, there is nothing that forbids us to take up your issue and matter with the concerned e-commerce portal on the legal and judicial sides. We would use the laws of India to ensure appropriate remedy and justice to the aggrieved customer or consumer of e-commerce portals. We can send legal notices, provide legal consultancies, extend TeleLaw support, file a court case, coordinate with other lawyers to file a case on your behalf, etc. So there are unlimited options available to the aggrieved consumer or customer under the ODR India Portal.

We have extraordinary presence upon Twitter in order to ensure Access To Justice (A2J) and Justice For All and we do not take civil liberties and rights violations lightly. E-commerce portals, internet intermediaries, social media portals, etc found guilty of violating Indian laws or rights of Indians would be confronted by us at Twitter as well.

We believe in a responsible, accountable and transparent e-commerce environment and ecosystem in India and ODR India Portal would be its foundation. Let us together make India a global hub for e-commerce and online services.